4 Simple Steps To Sharing The Gospel in 30 seconds {Free Printable}
Sharing the gospel with friends, family and strangers sounds like the most daunting task in the entire world. And yet, God has called us to get more comfortable with it than anything else we do every day. No pressure, lol. So, I am going to share the 4 Simple Steps to Sharing the Gospel, with you. Also, you grab my Free Sharing the Gospel in 30 seconds or less printable!

Why Share The Gospel?
We all long for joy and a place that feels like home. Whenever I have taken a stroll off the path God intended for me, I felt lonely and unfulfilled. It doesn’t take long, after hopping off course, to snuff out the voice of the Holy Spirit.
God wants us to be with Him. He wants us to lean on Him for our every need, as though He’s our oxygen. And it’s urgent. We don’t know when we will be taken off this earth. So, we need to view sharing the gospel as urgent as yelling before someone steps out into traffic. Their eternal life is at stake.
What Will Sharing The Gospel Change?
The power of the gospel has the power to change everything. Sharing the gospel with someone can fill you up! Think about what the gospel has done, in your life… For me, it has released me from sin and the guilt that holds me back from changing.
Sharing will give the person you’re sharing it with a chance to make a decision. The power of the gospel can transform them. The message of Jesus has the power to fill them with joy, save them and save others! The person you share with may go on to share with others!
So, here’s the 4 simple truths to share! Keep it simple, right?

Learn how to Find Your Purpose
4 Simple Steps to Sharing The Gospel
Note: The statements made below are truths we can glean from the Bible verses mentioned. They are not the actual Bible verse verbatim.
1. The Truth: God
We were created by God, who is in control of everything. He created us to love, serve and glorify Him.
Our all-powerful, holy God is in control of all of His creation. (Genesis 1:1)
He created us. (Acts 17:25)
He is always there watching over us; we cannot hide from Him. (Psalm 139:7-12)
He formed us to serve Him and only Him. (Matthew 4:10)
All people and creation were made to glorify Him. (Romans 11:36)

2. The Truth: Sin
We are all sinners and are separated from God. We need to be restored to Him.
Our sins have separated us from God. (Isaiah 59:1-2)
We have all sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23) and disregarded God’s instructions and authority (Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 22:37-40)
We are unable to carry out good deeds because of our sinful nature. (Romans 7:18)
We are guilty of specific sins we have done or things we have not done, but should have. (Psalms 32:1-5; 38:4)
We need to be restored to God. We are wicked and are stuck in sin and have made God angry. (Romans 1:18; 3:10-12) No one is righteous in God’s sight. (Romans 3:20)
On our own, we do not have a way to eternal life. We have earned death because of our sins. (Romans 6:23)
3. The Truth: Jesus
Only through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of man, can people be restored to God.
Incarnation: Jesus, of Nazareth, who is God the Son came to earth as a man to rescue sinners. His life on earth was free of sin. (John 1:14; Colossians 1:19)
His Death: Jesus life’s purpose was to die for men. He took our sins upon Himself and accepted God’s judgment with His death on the cross. God was satisfied with Jesus’ death in our place. Jesus wiped away our sins with his death. (John 1:29; Hebrews 9:27-28) Even when we were still sinners, Jesus died for our sins because God is full of grace and love. (Romans 5:8)
His Resurrection: God raised Jesus from the dead. (Acts 2:24) In this, He showed He conquered sin and death through His obedience to God and sinless life. His resurrection shows that God’s wrath and penalty of sin
His Exaltation: Jesus rose to Heaven and is at the right hand of God. He is King and Lord of all. (Hebrews 1:3; Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20-21) He shares His righteousness with sinners who accept Him as their Savior and Lord of their life. His life is to save all who acknowledge Him. (Hebrews 7:25)

4. The Truth: Man’s Response
It is our response to have faith in Christ, repent for our sins and to seek God and He will transform our lives.
We are to trust and believe in Christ that He forgives sins. We have faith that we are going to heaven, that God has the power to transform our lives to glorify Him. (Romans 12:1; Titus 3:4-7). Our new life will last an eternity. (John 3:16) Faith is given to us by God. (Ephesians 2:8)
We repent as proof we have true faith. This changes our heart, mind and our behavior. We learn to deny ourselves and decide to serve the LORD. (Romans 12:2; Titus 3:8) Our life is given for Christ. The LORD has the authority and right to expect anything from you.
Christ’s death is for us to die to sin and transform our lives for righteousness. Righteousness is possible by seeking the power of God. The Holy Spirit gives Christians the ability to think and live differently so we can please God. (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 1:13-14, 19-20)
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Sharing The Gospel At The Right Time
Practice it: Man chose sin over God, which separates us. Since God is just and holy, sin must be punished. So, God sent Jesus because God loves us.
Praying daily that God will give you the yearning to share the gospel and also the courage. We need God’s help because it isn’t something we do every day, at this point.
God will grant you the perfect time and place to share the gospel with your friend, family member or even a stranger. He can do anything.
Moreover, to learn more about the source for Sharing The Gospel, join Bible Study Fellowship for more tips and information.
So, I would love to hear how sharing or hearing the gospel has impacted your life. So, feel free to leave a comment or email me!

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Thanks for sharing
You’re welcome!!
Thanks for sharing. Stepping out of my comfort zone, a few weeks ago, I shared my testimony at Bible study and then with the church member at Sunday dinner event. I struggle with sharing God”s Word and the hope we have in Jesus Christ. God has provided several opportunities, but I shy away. Need to stand firm and boldly come forward in my faith and share the good news of Christ Jesus.
Amen Beverly! We all do. Thank you for being so bold and thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!