7 Ways To Deepen Your Relationship With God
Three years ago, God started urging me to write down things He has taught me. Things I have learned in my relationship with God. Over time, I started making mental notes of all of the things I felt like He wanted me to share. The most important being how to have a relationship with God.

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So I will share the 7 things I have learned in my journey…
A Relationship?
If you are thinking that having a relationship with God sounds really hard, you’re not alone. I also felt that way and wondered how it’s possible.
God taught me that just like being married or having a lasting friendship, a relationship with Him requires communication and trust. God wants to hear about all of our drama just like a good friend would. He actually wants us to let Him take care of all our worries! What a good friend, right?!

Find my testimony here! How I fell in love with God…
7 Ways To Deepen Your Relationship With God
1. Praise & Prayer Journal
One of my favorite things to do is to keep a prayer journal. I like to write down a specific prayer request and the date. Then later, when God has answered the prayer or given His answer to the prayer, I write down the date He answered.
It is super fun to see how long it takes to have an answer for prayers. Sometimes it is a couple of months and other time it is years!
2. Having A Relationship With God: Just A Feeling
It is so easy for me to feel like God can’t hear me or is too busy to possibly be listening to my pathetic prayers. So, I feel really far from God during those times in my life.
Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (NIV).
Feeling that God isn’t listening or isn’t close to you is just that, a feeling. It isn’t a fact. He is accessible and listening all the time. So, I try to visualize Him right next to me.
Satan is the father of lies and so we need to focus on the Truth to sort out fact from fiction.
3. Pray Before Reading The Bible
Remembering to pray before you read your Bible is a helpful way to focus and hear what God is placing on your heart with his Word.
It is easy for me to rush through reading my Bible, like I am checking off another “To-Do List” item for my day. But I need to remember that spending time with God each day is important like spending time with a family member.

Wanting to Understand Your Bible Better? Learn more here…
4. Having A Relationship With God: Bible Study
This year, I joined an awesome Bible study and I haven’t ever learned more about God, in one year, than I did this year! It has been an awesome experience. The accountability of Bible study and having a community to learn with is powerful stuff.
This year, I joined a free Bible study called Bible Study Fellowship. It is worldwide and they offer free childcare where your kids will learn the same message you’re learning that week (if you go to a physical BSF location). Some of the classes are offered online for those who do not have a BSF location in their area.
You can learn more about Bible Study Fellowship here.

5. Do The Next Right Thing
To me, not sinning all. the. time. is daunting. Whether it be negative thoughts or a lack of patience with my kids, I don’t get very far into the day before I slip up.
Over the past few years, I have heard the advice, “Just do the next right thing” several times. The first time I heard it, I was like YES! Focusing on doing just the next right thing versus always doing the right thing, sounds obtainable.
If you’re saying, “Yeah, but God is just not on my side right now, you don’t understand my life”, you can read more about that here.
It is easier to hear God’s voice when we are obeying Him and not snuffing out the voice of the Holy Spirit.
6. Take On A Role At Church Or In Your Community
The phrase “we are the hands and feet of Jesus” can mean so many things. When I was younger, I was so afraid God was going to want me to be a missionary that was far from home with strangers. I am a homebody introvert, who finds that idea still kind of freaky.
God does like to stretch us for His purposes. But when we are actively seeking to further His Kingdom God will take things that I already enjoy and use those to further His Kingdom.
For example, I have always loved to write, mostly in a journal. More recently, I felt a desire to write about God and start writing down truths He was speaking to me. I started to jot down ideas and eventually felt led to start a blog. So, God took something I already loved and made a way for me to share it with the world and be a missionary from home!

So, what is God calling you to help with? Pray about it. Ask God how He would like to use you and ask Him to make it your desire. Maybe it is as simple as greeting at your church or helping out with office work for a Christian non-profit organization.
It’s ok to start out small… just as it is to desire to pick up and become a missionary!
7. Share The Gospel
Sharing Jesus with others will brighten your life and theirs! The joy I feel from blogging about Jesus is amazing. A few years ago, if you would have told me I would be sharing personal struggles on the internet, I would have cringed. But God likes it when we are genuine and bold for Him.
Sharing the Gospel probably feels like a daunting task but here I share with you 4 Simple Steps to Sharing the Gospel. It doesn’t have to be long and drawn out or super elaborate. The Gospel speaks for itself. So, you
“The gospel is like a caged lion, it doesn’t need to be defended, it simply needs to be let out of its cage.” Charles Spurgeon
Still desiring more encouragement, that’s great!
Please let me know how I can pray for you in your walk with Christ. Also, let me know if you have any questions, I would love to help out in any way I can! <3

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Want more verses about a relationship with God, check out this website!
Learn what more about the characters in the bible & their struggles, click here for Katrina D Hamel’s perspective!
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I love the practicality of this post, Jenna! I also really enjoyed visiting today and will be back for sure!
Thanks so much Stacey!!
These are great! And I <3 BSF, too!!!!
It’s SOOOOO good!!
Great practical tips, Jenna!
Thank you!
Lately , I’ve been feeling off with God because I’ve fallen into sin many times and don’t have the desire to live by God like I used to before and it’s making me question my salvation and if I’m just modifying my behavior or am I truly changed within my heart. I need advice please.
Emailed you <3
Stop questioning it just accept God tell him « Help me stop questioning it and help me stop sinning please » I know it’s tough but God is always here. Don’t give up !
I often ask myself: ” How is your relationship with God? ” Then a sermon comes to me once in a while, sometimes by https://www.keionhenderson.com/sermons-on-relationships/ and sometimes other works like this, and then I get to know what to do and really just keep my faith in God!
Great topic, indeed! Thank you for posting this. No matter how busy we are, we should find time to talk to him. Talking with God gives me a peaceful mind.
Thank you! Yes it sure does!!