Dear Unsaved Stranger

I feel as if God is asking me to say something to you. We don’t know anything about each other, but He is prompting me to strike up a conversation with you, even if it is just about the weather. So, this is my letter to you, my dear Unsaved Stranger…

To be honest, I hate silence. I don’t like sitting next to a stranger without making small talk. God must have designed most of that way so we could reach out and share our love for Him with strangers naturally.

Sharing the Gospel with a Stranger

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Finding my unsaved stranger

Recently, God has been warming up my heart sharing with you. He has been whispering to me to stop and smile at unfamiliar faces in the grocery store or even when I’m in a hurry.

I have learned that I am not very friendly or Christ-like when I am in a rush or anxious about my to-do list. God has been calling this to my attention a lot lately so that I stop and notice you, my Unsaved Stranger.


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Sharing the gospel

Although I am not sure what God wants me to say to you, I know the Holy Spirit will give me the words. I just have to be ready and willing to serve when the moment presents itself. In the past, I have avoided bringing up Jesus’ name to others for fear of judgment or offending someone. Now, I try to find ways to bring it up, so that you, my dear unsaved stranger, are reminded of Him when we speak.

It is a little way that I am comfortable with sharing about Him, right now.

I know as God continues to prepare my heart for our meeting that He will also give me courage for that conversation. There are only four simple, life-changing points I need to share with you, Unsaved Stranger. I can do that…

I won’t even need a minute of your time, I remind myself.

How to Share the Gospel with Free Printable Journal

Satan and Self-doubt

Satan is always reminding me that I am not enough. Making me think that when you ask me questions about the Gospel or Jesus I won’t know the answer…

He’s right, honestly, I am not enough.

That is why I spend time praying God will fill me with the Holy Spirit. So, the Spirit take over our conversation. I can’t do it on my own. I don’t have to though! God is GOOD!

So I just tell Satan to shut up, because you coming to Christ is more important than my self-doubt.

Spreading the gospel to an unsaved stranger

You can plant the seed

A long time ago, I prayed about spreading the good news with an unsaved friend. It worried me; I hated that they were lost and felt lonely.

You see before we are reborn in Christ we don’t have confidence or joy beyond our current circumstances. Once your hope is in Jesus, who has already conquered the grave, you will have confidence, unexplainable joy, hope and faith!

I wanted this for my friend…

My mom shared with me that sometimes you plant can the seed, or maybe you’re even the person who waters the plant. However, you’re not always the one who gets to see the plant bloom. Each job is still crucial and important.

I may not even have the opportunity to share the gospel with you, but maybe my smile helped you on a bad day… Maybe you saw a little love of Christ in me. I pray I share what I have inside me, with you.

Dear Unsaved Stranger


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My unsaved family member

I have my own unsaved family members that I worry about too. They are probably the hardest for me to reach…

They see me on my good and bad days, so they see that believers still sin. I admit I look like a hypocrite more than I’d like. It makes it hard for me to prove that I am changed sometimes.

They don’t know that now that I’m born again, I will repent for my sins for the rest of my life.

I pray for my unsaved family members. And I ask God to help me to be a Proverbs 31 woman with everyone in my life. Someone who makes Him proud.

Learn more tips about sharing the Gospel without fear here.

unsaved stranger, You are worth dying for

My Dear Unsaved Stranger our God says that you and I are worth dying for… To the point where He sent part of Himself to die a horrible death to clear our mistakes. So why would I keep that to myself?!

That news changes people. Changes families. Changes marriages. I can’t keep it to myself.

Here I am to share it with you. In my smile, in my words, in my actions… God will do the rest.

Dear Unsaved Stranger, I am praying for you and when we meet.

Dear Lord, let me be a light for You in the darkness. Strengthen me to speak out. Make me bold. Equip me with the Holy Spirit’s words and approach for my dear unsaved stranger. Thank You for trusting me with the Truth. Thank You for giving me endless joy from sharing it! Amen

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Dear Unsaved Stranger

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  1. This is lovely! Some people are great at striking up conversations about Jesus with strangers. I am not one of them. But God equips us with everything we need. All it takes is faith. But faith can sometimes be a struggle. Thank God for His wonderful grace and mercy.

  2. Thank you for sharing this post. The most important job that we have here on earth is the share the gospel with all those that are lost. We can share the gospel not only with our words but especially with our actions.

  3. This is beautiful and a much needed reminder that, as believers, each and every one of us are called to share the gospel. Thank you for your heart for the lost and your Christ like example, Jenna!

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