Whose Side Is God On?

Do you ever wonder whose side God is on? I know I certainly have.

Whose side is God on Christian encouragement

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When I have made decisions for my life (what career, what relationship to pursue, etc.) I have wondered if God approved.

I would think to myself, if He doesn’t approve how will I pay for this mistake… like when will the other shoe drop and I will know He is against my decisions and choices.

For example, I remember pursuing relationships that were toxic and thinking this person can change and I can help them in their faith life. Then, God will approve of me being with this person.

I was justifying my choices.

This plan usually ended in heartbreak, you can read more about those trials here.


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Whose Side Is God On?

If you have felt this way too, you are not alone.

Joshua also wondered something similar when he was nervous before battle. In Joshua 5:13-15, he looked up and saw a man standing before him with his sword drawn for battle.

Joshua said, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” The man replied, “Neither, but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.”

In this crazy, busy world, we think about our current situation and what we want/don’t want to happen more than the end game.

Tips to discover your Life Purpose

Learn what your God-given purpose is! Free printable Purpose Journal

Why isn’t God on my side?

When trials would come my way, I would often tell myself that God is against me; when God actually calls us to be on His side because this is His battle.

After the man (who many believe to have been God in human form) said this to Joshua, Joshua immediately fell facedown in submission. Do I fall face down in submission when God calls me to fight on His side?

Or do I question Him and think, “Well I’d rather do ____ though…”?

This is super hard! We want what we want and we think we have to have it.

Luckily, when we trust in God’s will, we find out that the path we end up on isn’t disappointing. It may be significantly different than what we wanted, but we aren’t left wanting.

He transforms our hearts when we chose to trust in Him and then we realize we were made to fulfill His purpose! So, the path He puts us on is way more than we were striving for before!

So What’s The Point?

Our God loves us dearly and wants us to fulfill our purpose for which He designed us.

He calls us to be His. To be His, we need to ask Him what do to next. How do we do this? We can consult Him in prayer throughout the day for guidance. Pursuing a relationship with God will transform your life!

I know I am guilty of not seeking Him in prayer enough during the day. Yet, the more we pursue Him, the deeper He will show us who He is and who we are in Him.

You can read my story about falling in love with Jesus here!


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Am I serving God's will

So What’s My Purpose?

His word is a great place to start. We can pray boldly for Him to reveal our purpose for furthering His Kingdom. If you feel like it is hard to understand your Bible and you just end up frustrated, click here for my 4 Tips to Understanding Your Bible Better.

Do you every wonder what God has called you to do for Him? Ask Him!


I challenge you to pray courageously this week that God will reveal His purpose for your life.

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 NIV

You might not have an easy breezy life in Christ, but your cup will runneth over, my friend! …and the end game is TOTALLY worth it. 🙂

Are you grieving a loss and looking for hope? 14 Verses for Grief

Wondering what Bible will be best for you? Click here for my list of Best Bibles for Every Age & Understanding!

Still wanting to know more about learning God’s will for your life? Check out Chris Russel’s 8 Keys to Knowing God’s Will For Your Life here.

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Whose side is God on Christian encouragement

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  1. Great thoughts! I sometimes chicken out when asking God’s purpose for my life. What if I don’t like what He tells me? I like how you said that the battle is the Lords, and He’s calling us to align with Him and His will, not the other way around!

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