How God Helped Me Cope With My Divorce: 5 Women Tell All
Two weeks ago, I shared a post where 7 women told their personal testimonies about how God saved their marriages from divorce. Their stories were real and raw. So, this week, I wanted to share more hope with you no matter where your marriage is… Sometimes, God revives a marriage before it ends and sometimes God revives our relationship with Him when our marriage has ended. These 5 Christian bloggers share their story: How God Helped Me Cope with My Divorce.

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Divorcing and Afraid?
Are you afraid of what life will look like without him? Or maybe you’re worried about forgiveness because you are “letting man separate” your union. Maybe both.
I will be honest with you, I am writing to you as a friend, not as a woman who has walked through a divorce herself, but as a friend of someone who has. Through the years, I have had friends come close to divorce, live in separation and divorce.
None of the roads are smooth or easy.
But God can help you cope with divorce
When my friend shared with me that she thought her husband was ready to walk away, I was shocked. How could this be? She was a Christian. How could God let her feel this pain? Why won’t God save this marriage? She has been praying…
I didn’t know what to do or what to say to her, so I went to church. Just as God designed, I had a conversation with a gal there who had been divorced (which I didn’t even realize until we began speaking).
I shared that I was making my friend come over later that day and that I needed Bible verses for her.

Read how God saved these 7 marriages from divorce!
Equip yourself with his word for the new road ahead
My friend from church shared how she had prayed over her marriage for years and that her husband was not a believer and was armed with papers and ready to file. So, she continued to pray. Then, God had her read this verse and gave her peace as she let him go.
1 Corinthians 7:12-16 WEB, you can find read that here.
So, that evening when my friend came over and shared her worries about letting God down, I shared what happened at church that day… I read the Bible verses to her. I didn’t have any other great advice, but I did have the Word of God.
My friend shared with me later that the verses gave her peace in her anxiety and grief.

How is God’s plan for my life a divorce?
We know from the Bible that divorce isn’t God’s plan, but it happens. Just as His plan wasn’t for us to fall into the trap of sin, but we did.
So now what? How does one hold fast to the Lord while weathering a divorce?
These 5 Christian bloggers share their personal testimonies and how God helped them cope with their divorce.
How God Helped me cope with my divorce
Meet Starla from Coffee With Starla
Survive Divorce Emotionally. Divorce is not the end of the road for your life. You can Survive Divorce Emotionally!
Read Survive Divorce Emotionally as a Christian here.
Meet Carmen from Married By His Grace
I felt like a failure. Like I was a defeated vessel that was overused and exhausted. I feared disgrace was soon to be shown upon my face. I was divorced as a Christian woman…
Read Divorced as a Christian Woman here.
Meet Becky from So Very Blessed
If you are trying to heal from the utter heartbreak of divorce, know that God brings beauty from ashes in ways you can never anticipate. Divorce was not the end of my story and it won’t be the end of yours either.
Read Beauty from Ashes – Hope for Christians after Divorce here.
God helped me through my divorce Testimonies
Meet Carrie from Salt Leaven and Light
My life as I had known it for 16 years was ending and I didn’t think I would survive the divorce. But God had other plans. I just needed to trust Him.
Read Broken Pieces to Mend here.

Meet Tiffany from Hope Joy in Christ
What happens when divorce comes into the life of a Christian? There is hope for you after divorce. Your walk with Christ will go on and can thrive.
Read How To See New Hope After Divorce As A Christian here.
How God helped me cope with divorce
As you can see, there is hope in Christ! Divorce is the perfect time to cling to the Lord and focus on your relationship with the One and Only Mr. Right.
God has a purpose for you, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Jesus is near for you to lean on when you are tired and feel alone. I pray these wonderful testimonies offer comfort as you move forward. ♡

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What an encoruaging round up to help women struggling with this issue. God helped me cope with divorce and I know He will help others. He loves us so much and this doesn’t change His love!
Thank you so much, Tiffany, for stopping by! Thank you for sharing your story and your journey đŸ™‚
Powerful resource for hope! Blessings!
Thank you very much, Liz! Praying it is a blessing to others <3
Jenna, Thank you for including my testimony in your post! These are all amazing posts and great resources of hope for divorced women. This will truly be a blessing to others.
Thank you so much, Carmen! <3