
3 Simple Ways to Decrease Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is so real… There are all of these other women to compare your mom game to and social media is ready to remind you that you’re not measuring up. Here are 3 Simple Ways to Decrease Mom Guilt, plus a Free Bookmark!

3 ways to decrease mom guilt

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My kiddos are 2 and 4 years old. So, we are in the busy body phase of life. There’s a phrase: The days are long, but the years are short. I don’t think anything sums up toddlerhood years better.

This time can be isolating as a mom. You have snacktime, mealtime, diapers, potty training, sleepless nights, oh yeah and a husband to give attention to! Here in South Dakota, winter can be especially depressing as we are typically cooped up 6 months out of the year.

So, what works? What helps? Here are 3 Simple Ways to Up Your Mom Game!


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1. Pray in front of your family

So, I’m going to mess up and keep messing up; however, I can pray for God’s help in front of my family. First of all, it teaches my children that we are all sinners in need of Jesus.

Secondly, it ups my prayer game. It helps me to practice as I humble myself in front of my family.

Lastly, it encourages my kiddos to pray in moments of need and weakness. So, I can lead by example and not simply by telling them to “pray about it” when they have a problem.

How to be a better mom and decrease mom guilt

2. Decrease mom guilt: Schedule Date Nights

Another way to lower mom guilt is to have more date nights! Yahoo!

Raising littles is serious work but if we keep God as our #1 and our husband as our #2, we don’t feel as overwhelmed.

When my husband and I had our first child, she became my whole life. I unexpectedly became a stay at home mom and doted on her every need. We struggled with nursing for the first four months and it became all-consuming.

When we had our second child, it became clear our kids couldn’t be my whole world. If so, the marriage suffers. When I am making them my number one concern, there isn’t energy for my husband at the end of the day.

So, date nights are crucial! Even if you’re tired, dating your husband will help boost your energy! More adult time (date nights and girlfriend time) will help you prioritize your time and decrease mom guilt.

DIY Date Night Ideas

10 Free or Cheap

DIY Date Night Ideas!


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3. Decrease mom guilt: Read The Bible

When my daugther was a little over a year old, I decided I wanted to be a better mother. The only way I knew how to be a better mother, without tricks and false hope, was to read the Bible.

So, I started reading the Bible every night.

How to be a better mom and wife

Filling up on God’s Word should be the foundation of our parenting. God will give us the strength we need on the days our coffee isn’t strong enough. He will increase our patience and boost our confidence when we discipline.

For myself, I notice when I spend too much time on social media and/or my phone, I am more irritable. I have less patience for my kiddos. So, that is something else to keep in check as you consider ways to increase your energy and patience as a mommy. Read more about Unplugging Regularly here.

Like most moms, I’m sure you’re thinking where exactly would I pencil in one more activity in my hectic day? That’s why I designed a God First Planner to help busy moms keep God first every day. This weekly planner helps you decide when you will spend time with God and also jot down the rest of your to-do list each day! You can access the God First Planner here.

free bible bookmark

An elegant Bible Bookmark with an encouraging Bible verse for moms. It also includes three questions to think about as you read through each chapter of your Bible!

The Free Bible Bookmark for Moms will deepen your understanding of the Bible and your relationship with God! You can print this off on cardstock or regular paper and keep your place for easy daily reading!

Free Bible Bookmark for Moms

Grab it now!

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3 way to decrease mom guilt

Relying on God to improve your mom game and decrease your mom guilt is a surefire way to succeed. Which is so exciting… There’s a solution!

The more time I spend with Him the more He equips me with patience, love, kindness, and energy for the little ones He’s blessed me with!

Bible bookmark for mom free printable How to deal with mom guilt in 3 simple ways

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  1. Ohh the mom guilt…I’m guitly of that ???? I think when we let the Holy Spirit guide our lives, the guilt becomes less. I love all 3 steps and I seriouly believe that they help you overcome the mom guilt, specially praying.

  2. Such good info for moms of littles! I really struggled a lot with many of the same things and I have used some of these same tools over the years…My husband can’t afford date nights but we do date nights IN…we get takeout from red robin or somewhere and send the kids to bed early so we can hang out and watch tv.

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