7 Lies about Debt {I Once Believed}
Most of us have seen a season of life where we were in debt. Maybe some more than others. However, debt can feel really daunting. Recently, I realized there are 7 Lies about Debt I had been believing for far too long…

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I believed these 7 lies about debt and they held me back. They kept our family from setting goals. But most, unfortunately, they kept our heart’s focused on getting out of debt, instead of on God. Satan’s lies made me feel trapped.
The best part is that we are in control of “feeling trapped.” We can run to God during our period of debt and lean on Him for the Truth.
Should Christians be in debt?
Some would say that Christians shouldn’t be in debt. In heaven, we won’t be! However, not everyone is blessed in all of the same ways. For some, God’s calling for their lives may include connecting with others who are in debt.
Being in debt can limit your ability to share financially with others. However, nothing limits God. Maybe your calling isn’t to share financially right now…
What does the Bible say about Debt
For Yahweh your God will bless you, as he promised you. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. You will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. Deuteronomy 15:6
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this,” says Yahweh of Armies, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there will not be room enough for. Malachi 3:10
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon. (money) Matthew 6:24
Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21
You will notice Jesus doesn’t guarantee that as Christians we will be wealthy. He just says God will provide.

7 Lies about Debt
1. 7 Lies about Debt: I am Alone.
I remember feeling all alone. I was the “only” one in debt or thinking our family was the “only” family going through this and no one understood. WRONG.
Like any logical person, I can figure out that a lot of people are in debt. However, Satan tries to make you feel isolated and guilty when you are in debt. He wants you to feel alone and like no one can help you, especially God.
2. Feeling Sorry for myself
There are so many things everyone else has that I can’t afford. They have no idea what it is like…
Putting things in perspective, one realizes I have food, clothes and a place to live. Well, that’s a lot more than others have.
As embarrassing as these lies are to admit, I believed them all at one point. I told myself that I was being held back by my lack of money. Really, I was being held back by my mindset. When my mind is on God, there is no mountain that can’t be moved.
If it is His will, it will be done. If removing my debt brings glory to God, it will be. Period.
3. 7 lies about debt: God can’t use me
When you’re in debt, it can be all you think about sometimes. Or maybe it is all your husband thinks/worries about. As the financial provider, it can be really overwhelming for husbands, which wives feel too.
However, I realized that in focusing on our debt, I was focusing on myself/ourselves too much.
He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30
John 3:30 warns us that God must be increased in our lives and we must be decreased. Which goes against the “You do you” mentality that is being encouraged today in our society.
I’m not going to feel passionate about God’s will for my life if I am only focused on my own plans. Even when in debt, I can volunteer time, money and resources for His use. After all, they are all His anyway.
4. i shouldn’t tithe right now
This is probably the most common lie about debt for Christians.
But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” Mark 12:43-44
Um, convicting much?!
5. 7 lies about debt: hoarding
You’re probably thinking, well this one doesn’t apply to me. I am not a hoarder.
Let me just share how I hoard for a minute…
I have probably 15 totes of baby and toddler clothes in my basement. Our basement also houses close to four totes of seasonal decor and Christmas trees. My husband and I both have full closets of clothing and shoes that we haven’t worn in years. After all, doesn’t everyone wear like the same 10 outfits over and over anyway?
And by outfits, I really mean sweatpants and t-shirts – just to clarify.
You see where I’m going with this. Above, I mentioned Matthew 19:21 where Jesus tells us to sell all we have and give to the poor. He is speaking to me, the hoarder.
6. Worrying will fix it
This 6th lie about debt is one I have believed in more areas of my life than I care to admit. I will stay up late worrying about money or this or that convinced that if I just devise a plan, the problem will go away.
God says “Fear not” 365 times in the Bible – this is not a coincidence. He is reminding us daily that we can rest in Him, even when we are in debt or under financial pressure. Praise the Lord!
Instead of worrying, I can say a prayer and let God take over. Or I can get up, write down my prayer and lay back down. In this post, I share my free Anxiety Journal for offering up my worries to God in prayer.
He will provide for us.
See the birds of the sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much more value than they? Matthew 6:26
7. God is withholding from me
A friend of mine once said, “Satan always tries making me believe that God is withholding all these great things from me.” Boom… Yes!
We live in a time where we think we are entitled to anything and things should be more convenient because we’re “good” people.
It opened up my eyes to the different kinds of lies Satan spreads. AND we believe them, for a while at least.
The devil shifts our focus from praising God for our blessings to feeling like we’re missing out on something someone else has – money, a better spouse, a bigger family, looks, etc.

Overcoming the lies about debt
In addition, Satan preys on us while we are in debt. He tries to sell us the lie about debt that we are not in control of anything. Truth: God is in control of everything. If I put my faith in Him there is no need to worry about control.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Read more about what the Bible has to say about debt here.
Lies about Debt
Thank God He has our debt under control. It is something we can pray about but we don’t have to worry about it. Maybe you too have believed one or more of the lies about debt from above, fortunately, we can read His Word for clarity.
As silly as these mindsets are they are powerful and destructive. Let’s pay attention to our thoughts so we can steer them back to Jesus!

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This is one of the best articles I’ve read on Christians and debt! For a long time, I was ashamed of our debt…so ashamed that it kept me from praying for God to help us get out of debt. We got ourselves into that situation, why would God want to help us out? But, that’s just all part of the lies! God uses our brokenness and turns it into something beautiful, even when we’re being not wise.
Thank you so much, Melissa! He can make it all beautiful!! Amen!
This was such a refreshingly honest take on debt and our faith. Satan is always working to make us believe each of these lies- I have certainly experienced all of them! I am really going to work to shift my mindset to Him instead of debt (or any other worry) that tries to settles in my heart and mind. Loved this post!!!
Thank you so much, Katie!! <3
Thank you so much for sharing, very refreshing. I’m in debt and sometimes I feel like it’s the end of the world. Now I know and trust that God is surely at work, no matter my current situation which is just temporary. God bless you Jenna
I am glad it comforted you, Viola! Thank you!!
I love your vulnerability and honesty in this post, Jenna! These certainly are traps that we often fall into without even realizing it! I’ve pinned and will be sure to tweet too! Great post!
Thank you very much, Beth!!
This is a great post, like you I believe many of those lies too and they kept me from moving forward and focusing on what really matters, God. Thanks for much for sharing
Easy to do! Thanks for stopping by Carolina!