A “Faithful Servant’s” Confession
There are about three loads of dishes in the sink calling my name. I have a hamper full of my own clothing which I have been neglecting to wash. So, I can do everyone else’s. I am avoiding doing my own, so I have less to put away… (It’s working out well for me, lol) This Christian Wife/Mother needs a shower. There are 18 women coming over next week. I have Christmas presents to wrap, 6 gifts yet to make and a house to clean. Buckle up, this is a Faithful Servant’s Confession…

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If you are a stay at home mom or a working wife and mother, you know exactly what I am talking about above… The list goes on and on and there are no hours to complete all the things on the checklist.
This week from church, I received a mug and wooden sign that both say “Faithful Servant Phillipians 2:17” for volunteering. I about busted out laughing when I opened it.
I feel VERY far from a faithful servant. As much as I would die to hear those words come out of Jesus’ mouth one day, I fail so badly every day. Like so. bad.
However, I knew where the little wooden sign should go. I placed it in my window sill above my kitchen sink because I absolutely loathe doing the dishes. So, the sign has been catching my eye all week and reminding me that I am here to serve. Here to serve the Lord by loving on the people He has placed in my life.
A Faithful Servant’s Confession: Here to serve
Culture loves to tell us we are to be served. Culture says: You should have really nice clothing, expensive and clean home, and the newest cars. But Jesus says, “The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Matthew 23:11-12
I am here to serve.
As a mommy to two busy littles, being a servant feels the same as the word “mommy”. There’s breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, potty, teeth to brush, puzzles, legos to step on… You get the idea.

Sometimes, my mommy tasks feel mundane and I ask myself how can I do something with more purpose while they’re still so little. However, us moms have a job with immense purpose!! Raising up two mini-Christians. After all, part of Moses’ purpose was to lead the Israelites through the desert for 40 years while they complained. The whole while. Their complaining about food reminds me of two littles I know…
You guessed it, I don’t serve Jelly Beans for every meal. Ha!
A Faithful Servant’s Fuel
Mommy work is one of those “never shuts off” responsibilities. We are merely human, so as a wife and mother I don’t have the energy every day to keep up with the menu requests, the to-do lists, the activities, and work. However, when I ask God to take control and be my Guide things get done and I am joyful!
You heard me right, JOYFUL! Full dependance throughout the day on God is a gamechanger.
I quickly learned when my firstborn was one and a half years old that I needed to be in God’s Word every day to be a joyful mother. He fills me with patience when I don’t have another ounce. Jesus gives me rest when there have been too many sleepless nights back to back. And He helps me feel appreciated when I am feeling, well like a servant.
Check out this post for my 4 ways to understanding the Bible better. Bible study has also been a great way of finding a community of other Christian wifes/moms and giving and receiving support when I am burnt out. You can find a Bible Study Fellowship group near you! It is a wonderful worldwide in depth Bible study. It has in person and online small group options.

A Christian Wife and Mother: A Faithful Servant’s Confession
So, whether you are feeling this burn out at home, at work or in your marriage, just remember WHOSE you are! You are here to glorify God in your job, parenting and in your marriage! When you don’t know how to do any of those roles, Jesus is always ready to show you His way. Remember to pray before you do all your mom duties.
God has given me and you a huge challenge, but He is there to offer His strength, counsel, and peace every step of the way. Earthly trials will pass away and your thankless work and service will be rewarded in heaven.
Now, if that doesn’t make you joyful, I don’t know what will!! I pray this encourages your tired spirit. So, you can go forth and be the least of these. ♡

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