
How to Put God First in Your Life + God First Planner

Let’s face it, life is busy. We are working, caring for others, checking email, making meals and then guess what? It is time for bed. So, how do we put God first in our lives and still accomplish everything else that is expected?

A God First Planner, of course!

10 Tips for putting God first

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When I was younger, I borrowed a book from the library that was about a witch or something magical like that. It wasn’t dark; it was similar to the show, Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

I didn’t really think anything of it.

My parents noticed I was reading it and my mom said something along the lines of, “Isn’t that a waste of time?”

I didn’t understand what she meant and then she asked me why I would spend my time reading about things that aren’t real, when I could read about things that glorify God.

That little conversation has stuck with me through tv shows, movies, books, etc.

So how does one actually put God first in all we do and still feed the kids, go to work, clean the house and get to all the extracurricular activities in life? Good question! So, here are 10 practical ways to incorporate a God First mentality for your life!

Prioritize your God time and Family Life

1. put god first in your reading

These days, I read the Bible. I spend time every day in God’s Word so my life is on track.

It is hard to know what decisions to make if I’m not getting my wisdom from the One who holds it all.

When I’m not at home, I google where I left off in my Bible. Or there’s always the YouVersion Bible app!

So maybe you’re thinking, “Yeah, I could read the Bible, but I’ve tried that before and it’s so confusing…” I have good news friend. I have 4 easy tips for understanding your Bible better!


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2. Memorize Scripture

I will have to say the more I read, the easier this is. I am in no way an expert, as I have only been through the Bible about 2.5 times. (Genesis, I have probably read 30 times. Haha!)

However, memorizing Scripture helps you think of Him at the perfect times. For instance, sometimes I sit down to read the Bible the there’s a verse that fits my life so perfectly. Only the Holy Spirit can do that! The more I read, the more I can think of a great verse for worry, heartbreak and sadness.

If you are having a hard time reading your Bible and understanding the meaning, you can check out a list of Best Bibles for Every Age and Level of Understanding.

3. Put god first with your work

I love this one the most.

This year, I learned to pray before I begin working. Every time, God blesses me with words to write and efficiency.

So, if you are struggling with getting things accomplished at work or are lacking passion in your work, seek God’s help while you’re working. Ask Him every day before you begin working!

Pray on your way to work or on your way back from the bathroom!

4. put god first in prayer

Learning to pray all throughout the day is really something I hadn’t done regularly other than in times of crisis before the past two years.

However, I realized that I can praise Him for this and that. I can call on His name for help with little and big things.

Helps ease my anxiety! You can read more about how I combat my anxiety with God here.

5. put god first with your talents

We are all gifted in our own ways. Do we see it that way? Sometimes not!

One person would say, “Oh Jill, you’re a great decorator.” Meanwhile, Jill is thinking she loves decorating but she has average taste. Haha…

God blessed us with all sorts of different gifts that we can use for His glory. Jill could be decorating her church on Sunday’s, for events, and making her church feel welcoming to new visitors. Why? Because she loves it.

What are you good at? Have you thought of how God wants you to use that? Are you listening? : )

6. put god first in our hearts

Finding a position in your church that is a strength of yours is a blessing. If you enjoy singing, but you are really uncomfortable making small chat with new people, sing – don’t choose greeting. Haha

Picking a duty at church makes you feel like a family. It also help you realize how many families it takes to run a church.

For example, our family likes to help out with greeting and funerals. I enjoy baking, so I make desserts for funerals and my husband has a flexible schedule so he sets up chairs and sometimes serves food for the funeral. Do what brings you joy and do it for His church.

7. Accountability Partner/mentor

It is so easy for me to say, “Oh, I will just read twice as much tomorrow night because I’m tired.”

Then, I look at the fact that I have read the Bible every night for almost three years and think, “No way! I’ve come too far to grow lazy now.”

Satan tries telling us all the time that we don’t need daily quiet time with God. He if the father of lies after all.

Finding an accountability partner or a mentor is a wonderful way of sticking with it – daily.

In 2018, I started Bible Study Fellowship and they pair you with a small group and a group leader. It was really encouraging and helpful to learn what others took out of the same verses, each week.

I would highly recommend checking out a Bible Study Fellowship group in your area! (Yes, I know I say this all the time… I’m obsessed)

8. Listen to Christian radio or sermons while commuting

Listening to Christian radio or sermons on your way to work, the grocery store or while cooking is a fantastic way to keep your mind focused on the Lord.

My mom loves to turn on sermons while she gets ready in the morning! So, there’s all sorts of creative ways to put God first.

9. let god put you to bed

So, I read a lot of suggestions/advice on reading the Bible and devotionals right away in the morning. However, let’s be real. Some of us are just not morning people.

I am not calm in the morning and so I save my quiet time with God for right before bed. That’s when I am relaxed. I give Him my undivided attention this way. The duties of the day are not ruining my time with Him.

Some might say, “Well, that isn’t putting God first.” I like to pray in the morning and before I work, but get more out of reading the Bible at night.

Maybe you are a morning person, that’s great! You can choose to spend time in God’s Word every morning. The main thing is being able to devote time to Him, when you can quiet your mind and worship Him, not your schedule.

How to put God first every day in your regular routine

10. Grab Your god first life planner

This week, I realized women love a plan. So, why not help a sister out and make a God First Planner for her?!

In this planner, you can:

  • Write when you will spend time in God’s Word
  • Write your daily to-do’s for the week
  • Brainstorm Family Ideas
  • Schedule yourself some rest time
  • Find encouragement with verses that remind you with God all things are possible!
  • Prayer reminders for praying throughout the day
  • & More…
Christian Put God First Planner

Grab it now!

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How to put god first

Moreover, you can put God first in way more than 10 ways. These are just steps to get you thinking of how to make Him first in your life in easy ways that can be done every day.

Lastly, I hope you take advantage of more freebies in the Resource Library to deepen your relationship with God! Subscribe to gain access,

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Learn to put God first, today! How to put God First this year Faith How to Put God First Tips How to Prioritize as a Christian How to put God first in your life 10 practical ways

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  1. Love the way this post gets underneath the delusional stories we hide behind and the truth that we even manage to put ourselves first when we pray if we are not careful.

    1. This blog post is so encouraging!!!! It’s given me so many ways to truly put God 1st in my daily life. Thank you for your time and the free printables!!

      1. Thank you. I have learned a lot from your blog. I look forward to email and most of all I sincerely wants closer relationship with God.

  2. Very practical as well as being so very important, Jenna! Each of these tasks and priorities can keep us centered on Christ. I think the one I need to work on more is memorizing Scripture. I’ve done it in the past, but have gotten away from that concerted effort these days. Thanks for the reminder, my friend! I’ll be pinning!

  3. “The main thing is being able to devote time to Him, when you can quiet your mind and worship Him, not your schedule.” I love how you have shown how we can become legalistic with our ‘schedule’ rather than having the right attitude toward God and our time with Him. Thank you. I needed this today.

  4. Thank you Jena for the wisdom and the encouraging information. This was well put in the most easiest to adapt and apply to our lives everyday. It’s free so there are no excuses not to put God first! I will definitely purchase the planners as I buy something to write in regularly because I like to keep my things organized. You have been a resourceful blessing to many of us and it’s not taken for granted.
    You Rock Woman if God ????????????????????????
    Thank you and God bless your entire life and every connection to you…

  5. As always, you allow me to take a new perspective on life. I love your tips and how they come exactly when I need them (thank you Holy Spirit for working through Jenna to reach me!) I have saved the free planner to put into use! Thank you friend!

  6. This post has really shed light to me, I’m kind of confused on what should, I, do everyday..Thanks be to God, He let me find this site, it’s really encouraging..

    Thanks Ma’am.. God bless

  7. I logged in with my name and email address but when I needed to go to the library you wouldn’t let me it says I need a password.
    Can you please help me where do I get a password from.
    Thank you,
    Bruce Gaffney

    1. Hello Bruce, if you subscribe to by entering your email address, you will receive an email that gives you the password in each email. Thank you!! Have a good day!

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