Breastfeeding with Raynaud’s Disease

Four years ago, I learned that breastfeeding with undiagnosed Raynaud’s disease was a nightmare. I wasn’t aware that breastfeeding a newborn could be so difficult or so painful. For three years now, I have felt God calling me to share this with any other mom that is tearfully trying to breastfeed with Raynaud’s disease. So, I wanted to share some tips and products that helped me breastfeed with Raynaud’s disease until my children were 15 and 18 months old!

Breastfeeding with Raynaud's Tips

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What is raynaud’s Disease

According to, Raynaud’s disease is when some areas of your body become numb, cold, and/or painful when exposed to cold temperatures or when you are stressed. Arteries that supply blood to your skin become restricted, decreasing blood flow to these areas. This disease usually affects the hands and feet; however, in rare cases, it can be found in the nipples. Raynaud’s disease is more likely to affect women. You can read more about Raynaud’s disease here.

So, why does this make nursing so painful? Raynaud’s can cause excruciating pain that radiates across your chest and back while nursing. The pain can linger for hours after nursing, which ultimately leads to more stress in a breastfeeding mother. The more stress, the worse the arteries’ restriction. You can see the vicious circle.

Complications with Breastfeeding a Newborn

Breastfeeding a newborn is no small feat. I know for some moms it isn’t difficult at all and baby latches perfectly the first time. However, for someone breastfeeding with Raynaud’s disease, the pain takes your breath away. I remember thinking, “There’s no way this is right, who in the world would do this month after month?”

On the outside, everything looks “just right” according to lactation specialists and on the inside, you’re screaming not so nice words. I remember gritting my teeth, tasting blood and grabbing anything I could to get through the pain.

I remember scouring the internet looking for help. Information about Raynaud’s disease in women’s breasts seemed so limited. And I’m a 10-page Googler

Since newborns have smaller mouths, it is even more restricting on mom’s arteries when she is breastfeeding with Raynaud’s disease. The worst part about any of this is that a lot of doctors, lactation specialists and postpartum nurses have limited information about Raynaud’s, too. So, finding out what works and doesn’t work, in the hospital or shortly after going home, is pretty discouraging. It was for me anyway.


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The challenges of breastfeeding with raynaud’s Disease

Both my daughter and son were born quite small. However, my son was only five pounds, nine ounces, so he had a tiny mouth. For the longest time, my doctor thought we had thrush. After trying several rounds of meds for myself and baby, my doctor finally said she thought it might be Raynaud’s disease. She wasn’t sure as she had never had a patient with it in their nipples before.

I am extremely stubborn, so I was determined to not buy formula for my babies. I have stomach problems and wanted them eating that “liquid gold” only my body produced. The desire to breastfeed, even with Raynaud’s, was the passion I needed to plow through the pain and continue on.

With my daughter, the pain eased up around the time she was four months old. It felt like an eternity! However, my son was smaller, as I mentioned, and we struggled a lot longer. Things would start to get easier and then we would be back to square one when a tooth was bothering him. His latch would be tenser, so my Raynaud’s would flare up and my stress would increase.

I wanted to share some tips and products that really helped me through the difficult times with breastfeeding. So, if you are a new mom, you can have some of these pointers right from the get-go, instead of learning them after months of pain.

Tips for Breastfeeding with Raynaud’s Disease

I am a planner, so my husband and I strategically planned both kids for the winter months when real estate is a bit slower, in our cold state of South Dakota. I wanted him to be around to help with baby. After learning I had Raynaud’s disease, I should have had our second in the summer months. Cold winters, Raynaud’s nipples and newborn mouths are not compatible with happy breastfeeding.

Another piece of advice is to continually change baby’s position with every feed to anything tolerable. This way, the same part of your breast does not struggle for blood flow every feed. Chronic Raynaud’s in one particular artery can lead to tissue damage.

Nurse or pump in warm rooms. I realize first hand this isn’t always possible. When I went back to work, briefly, after having my daughter, the only place in my office to pump was a cold back room. It was a nightmare for Raynaud’s and let down. Do yourself a favor and bring a space heater, blankets, you name it!

When I was sore lactation specialists would tell me, all the time, to ice my breasts for relief and to reduce swelling. Do not ice your breasts, I repeat, DO NOT ice your breasts. You are a rare breed and that will not help. Lol!

Have a pediatric dentist assess for both lip (top and bottom) and tongue ties. You could be experiencing the pain of one of those on top of your Raynaud’s.

How to breastfeed with Raynaud's

Products that will help Breastfeeding with Raynaud’s

1. Cotton Breast Pads

Warm, soft cotton breast pads were so essential. This way, if I was really sore from a nursing session, they were a gentle material. They are washable and easy to throw in some vinegar, if babes and I did have an episode of thrush. This particular set of cotton breast pads is great because they come with warm/cold packs. After nursing sessions, you can run them under warm water for when you want to increase blood flow. You can also heat these in 5 second increments in the microwave – just don’t burn yourself!

2. Heating Pad

A large heating pad like this one is great for increasing blood flow to the area after a nursing session or even to cover yourself with while you pump – if you have a hands free pumping bra.

3. Nursing Tank Top

These things are seriously my favorite. I am done nursing and still wear them to bed or under a t-shirt. They are so comfortable and they keep your breasts warm. These nursing tank tops have a built-in bra and are really supportive. You can add your cotton breast pads right into the built-in bra and throw on a t-shirt. Boom, you’re good to go.

The best part about these tank tops is that they are stretchy, so you can wear these while you’re pregnant, if your bras are starting to dig in and too tight. So. comfortable! And a 2-pack for $28, that’s amazing for nursing tank tops.

4. Hand Warmers

If you are at the office and need soothing relief or are running after a toddler, you can slip these hand warmers into your bra behind your breast pads. They’re like a cordless heating pad! Great for when you are headed into the cold grocery store or running out to a doctor’s appointment with sore breasts.


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5. Soothing Gel Pads

Last but not least, these sticky gel pads will help a ton, if you are having troubles with really sensitive nipples. These are awesome for those first few days of nursing when baby feels like they are just chomping on you and there’s no escape. The instructions direct you to get these wet with cool water before applying; but, you can just skip that step and they will still stick and prevent your raw nipple from rubbing on your breast pads or shirt.

Nursing pain too much to be normal

Breastfeeding with Raynaud’s: Medication

If none of these “at home” tips and products are helping you breastfeed with Raynaud’s disease, I would consider asking your doctor about medication.

I was a case where the medication had no effect. Everyone responds differently to medication though!


You are a momma and you can breastfeed your baby as long as you want. Raynaud’s disease is only a hurdle in the breastfeeding journey and it can be done. Don’t let other moms who have awesome breastfeeding stories get you down… Everyone’s struggle, in becoming a parents, i different. Every parent has their own unique challenge.

God can help you through!


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Breastfeeding with Raynaud's Tips

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  1. Hello! I loved this post. I have Raynaud’s disease and have had three babies 5lbs and under. I’m wondering if you could talk about raynauds in pregnancy? I feel like there is no information on it and I’m wondering if it could cause growth restriction. What did you experience?

    1. That is a great point! I guess I haven’t researched that aspect very well. I always assumed my babies were small because my husband’s family said they always had 5-6 lbs babies. My first child was 6 and my second child was 5. That is interesting though…!

  2. Thanks so much Jenna! My wife and I just read this together and she is so amazed she found your post. She has been struggling with Raynaud’s while breastfeeding our 6 week old son! We just ordered all of your helpful products from Amazon lol!

    God Bless!
    Lauren & Lou

  3. I just found out about this. 6 months breastfeeding. Supposedly the tie revisions was supposed to take away the pain. It didn’t. I guess at least I was lucky I had my baby in the summer. I definitely know I have regular Raynaud’s. That’s obvious. So this makes sense. Although the condition has luckily not caused terrible pain…just a little.

  4. Hi Jenna, thank you for sharing this!! My little guy is about to be 1 and Ive successfully breastfed all this time but not without a very hard and challenging journey. I told so many people how shocked I was that breastfeeding and all the pain I experienced every day was worse than my all natural childbirth!!! I didn’t see a lactation consultant until he was 1 month and found out he was tongue and lip tied. Like you mentioned, I put all my hope that this was the problem and all my issues would resolve but it didn’t. 2 months in and his pediatrician treated us for thrush (which we didn’t have) and it wasn’t until month 3 when I saw a new provider that was familiar with Raynaud’s and she knew exactly what the problem was! This journey has been so worth all the trials but wow has it been hard and I fear it with my future babies. I so appreciate your post that sheds light and advice for mamas going through this. ❤️

    1. Oh man, I feel your pain! Thank you for sharing. I am breastfeeding baby no. 3 right now and she is teething and it is bringing me back to her newborn days. This time was definitely my worst experience. I now have 4 scars from her breastfeeding journey, but as you said – it is worth it. She will be 15 months in two days. I pray your future baby(ies) nursing experiences will be less intense. <3

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