Finding Hope in Major Disappointments

Finding hope in major disappointments is not the easiest task… There are some blows that really feel like devastating setbacks. So, I wanted to touch on 5 ways to cope with life’s major disappointments and finding hope in God during those dark hours.

Growing up, I remember feeling quite lonely as an only child. During the summer, I would make plans with friends every day to avoid being alone. But some days, God would have different plans.

Finding Hope in Disappointments

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My play date would fall through and would try to occupy myself all day.


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Life’s Major Disappointments 

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a major disappointment for our family and all the raw emotions that went along with miscarrying.

However, a lot of those raw emotions apply to any major life disappointment…

Disappointment has a way of stopping us dead in our tracks, only to come to terms with the fact that God’s plan is different.

His truth and promises assure us that this world is not our home. Basically, this world will be filled with a lot of disappointments. We are meant for greater things. So, how does one deal with all the disappointments?

Fortunately, God doesn’t leave us to just “figure it out.”

His Hope

God has ingrained His hope in us. I think about all of the times I have told myself, “Oh, that won’t happen to me” about this or that disappointment. Sometimes, that was true and sometimes it wasn’t. However, God gave us that hope to keep, because we can trust in Him to get us through the trials of this world…

This week I had the honor of sharing the rest of my story on Rachel Marie Lee’s Blog for her Stories of Hope Series. Join me over there for 5 tips to coping with Life’s Major Disappointments

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Dealing with Disappointment as a Christian

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