
Finding Quiet Time With God + Quiet Time Printable

What a busy world we live in. Work, kids, play dates, school events, friends, husband/boyfriend… Oh yeah, and God. We have to pencil in time with God, too. But where? Everything else in our lives feels like a “must do” and quiet time with God seems like a “hope to”.

Learn how to spend quiet time with God and get the most out of your time. Plus a Free Quiet Time with God journal printable!

How to spend Quiet Time with God

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This year alone, I have spent more time in God’s Word than probably all the years of my life combined. I started attending a Bible study that is incredibly engaging and pushed me to study the Word, in depth, with others. You can find more on Bible Study Fellowship here.

This year made me realize how powerful his Word is. He shows up for every quiet time I set aside.

When we make the time to spend with God, we reap the benefits…


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benefits of quiet time with god

  1. Focus – Something I have learned from giving God my quiet time is that He blesses me with focus. The ability to work faster and more accurately. With blogging, there are technical issues all of the time; however, when I spend quality time with God, before beginning my work, I have found that I quickly find answers to my technical issues and am able to focus on my writing.
  2. Wisdom – God reveals wisdom to me, from his Word. Our God is one who gives more than you ask for. Solomon asked for wisdom; God made him the wisest man who has ever lived (other than Jesus) and also the richest! So, ask and you shall receive! (Matthew 7:7)
  3. Peace – If you are really struggling with anxiety and focus heavily on the future, quality time with God is an awesome way to combat that worry. His truths will speak to your worried heart and He will show you He can be trusted. Just as so many have trusted in Him, in the past, and He always showed up. He will equip you with the tools to take that anxiety down.
  4. Purpose – At a time when I was wondering what else to do with myself, God showed me why he had allowed me to be a stay at home mom. He gave me the purpose of spreading his Good News to those around me. I always called myself, “just a stay at home mom”, but I had all I needed to further the Kingdom. I had a little human and friends to share the news with. You can read 4 simple ways to Share the Gospel.

With the next few simple steps, you can spend quality time with God each day!

how to get quiet time with god

Before you begin, I suggest praying that God will clear your mind, push out Satan and help you focus.

Whether you’re spending time with God, in the morning or at night, set aside 20-30 minutes, with no distractions. Mute your cellphone and get comfy in a quiet room alone.

Grab your Bible, pen and paper (or free printable offered below!)

quiet time reading plan

Coming up with a quiet time reading plan doesn’t have to be a well thought out schedule to be fruitful. Simply choose a few verses or a short chapter in the Bible. If you are unsure of where to start, the book of Psalms or Proverbs is a great place to try out!

Verses To Try:

  • Isaiah 12 – A Song of Praise
  • Proverbs 31:10-31 – In Praise of a Good Wife
  • Romans 8:26-30 – God’s Chosen People
  • Psalm 133 – Living Together in Peace
  • Job 11:13-20 – Surrender Your Heart to God

Read through the chapter or verses you choose 3-4 times. The neat thing about God is that He shows you a new part of the Bible every time you read something. So take your time and enjoy the quiet time.

I have read the same verse over and over, during different periods of my life, and come away with different messages, even though it is the same text!


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quiet time ideas

While you’re reading ask yourself a few questions… What did you learn about God? How does it apply to your life? What would you ask Jesus, if you could ask Him any question? How can I share this with others?

This way, you really process the information and how it is relevant. I have noticed that when I read the Bible, I think, “Oh, well that’s nice, but it’s a way different time now.” I find myself making the Bible impersonal instead of seeing the stories as pertinent to my life.

If I allow myself to make the Bible impersonal, my relationship with God becomes impersonal. God had this book written for me, right now.

So, these questions really make you compare their lives and lessons to your life. These quiet time with God ideas can really help you grow wise.


As I mentioned before, I attend Bible study each week. With this Bible study, I have Scripture to read and questions to answer, 6 nights a week. Since I read the Bible every day, I spend the 7th day in quiet time on other chapters or books of the Bible.

Your quiet time schedule might work best in the morning or in the evening.

I know some people swear by reading the Bible in the morning. For the night owls, bedtime might be an easier time to set aside quiet time with God. I know it is for me. I can concentrate better without my “to-do” list calling my name.

Do what works best for you, so that you’re able to concentrate. So you can be undisturbed.

Get my Quiet time printable

This quiet time printable can help you jot notes and ponder the questions that help the scriptures apply to your life.

Printable for Quiet time with God

Grab it now!

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Spending time with God is so important for cultivating a relationship. I hope you are able to find a great time each day for reading his Word or even each week!

When is your favorite time to read the Bible?

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How to spend Quality Time with God How to spend quality time with God How to spend Quiet Time with God How to spend quiet time with God Quiet Time

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  1. I wholeheartedly agree. I always walk away with peace, wisdom and encouragement when I spend quality time with God. It’s great to study God’s Word in a group sometimes too. I enjoyed BSF for a season.

  2. I love these great reminders about the importance of our quiet time with God. Focus is something I hadn’t really thought about but is such a great point! Thanks for this insight and for sharing!

  3. Hi, Jenna! Deep-diving into the Bible is such a fascinating journey, isn’t it? BSF are a fantastic way to do this. What has been the most fascinating discovery you’ve made so far?

    Found you through Blogger Voices Network đŸ™‚

    1. Hello Carrie, Thanks for stopping by!! I have loved BSF and how it has encouraged me to see the Bible in my life right now, not just as stories about other people and their lives years ago. Learning to apply it! <3 Also, I was just looking at your info on Pinterest last night. My mom is really into studying apologetics right now - I am going to share your site with her!

  4. Thanks for this print out, Jenna! Spending time with God is so important! I’ve been sort of scattered lately with all that is going on in my life. I tend to spend time with Him at different times each day, however, when I have a planned time, it is usually deeper and richer! This print out will be a great help!

    Blessings, Jo

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